EMMY Nomination – Children of Interment

Joe and I want to announce that our film, 'Children Of Internment' has been nominated for a regional Emmy for 'Best Historical Documentary'. 

The Winner will be picked on July 18th, 2015.

Once again we want to thank all of our cast and crew for their devoted participation. We have been blessed with more opportunities than we ever imagined. A special thank you to Bill Perry and OETA out of Oklahoma for leading the way in getting our film nominated for the Emmy.

We know we are not alone with this because there have been so many who have helped us along the way. May the FULL story of internment be made known around the world. 

Thank you so much!

emmy awards


emmy national academy awards



emmy nomination - coi


4 thoughts on “EMMY Nomination – Children of Interment

  1. Congratulations to Joe, Kristina, and all those who were featured in the film. I learned so much!! This is a tremendous accomplishment and well deserved nomination!! All the best and good luck to everyone involved in this enlightening project. Your friend, Lisa Clark

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  2. Congratulations for this tremendous honor. Good to see hard work and dedication recognized.

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  3. Congratulations! A well-deserved tribute to the vision of Kristina and Joe and the hard work of all involved. Thanks for shining a light on a dark period in American history when patriotism lead to paranoia and repression. May that nomination lead to an Emmy and the light to a spotlight on the need for tolerance and reason.

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